002 * Copyright (c) 2015, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
004 *
005 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
006 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
007 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
008 *
009 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
010 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
011 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
012 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
013 * accompanied this code).
014 *
015 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
016 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
017 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
018 *
019 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
020 * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
021 * questions.
022 */
023package com.oracle.graal.replacements.amd64;
025import jdk.internal.jvmci.amd64.*;
026import jdk.internal.jvmci.meta.*;
027import static com.oracle.graal.compiler.target.Backend.*;
028import static com.oracle.graal.replacements.amd64.AMD64MathIntrinsicNode.Operation.*;
029import sun.misc.*;
031import com.oracle.graal.compiler.common.spi.*;
032import com.oracle.graal.graphbuilderconf.*;
033import com.oracle.graal.graphbuilderconf.GraphBuilderConfiguration.Plugins;
034import com.oracle.graal.graphbuilderconf.InvocationPlugin.Receiver;
035import com.oracle.graal.graphbuilderconf.InvocationPlugins.Registration;
036import com.oracle.graal.nodes.*;
037import com.oracle.graal.nodes.java.*;
038import com.oracle.graal.nodes.memory.address.*;
039import com.oracle.graal.replacements.*;
040import com.oracle.graal.replacements.StandardGraphBuilderPlugins.*;
042public class AMD64GraphBuilderPlugins {
044    public static void register(Plugins plugins, ForeignCallsProvider foreignCalls, AMD64 arch) {
045        InvocationPlugins invocationPlugins = plugins.getInvocationPlugins();
046        registerIntegerLongPlugins(invocationPlugins, IntegerSubstitutions.class, Kind.Int, arch);
047        registerIntegerLongPlugins(invocationPlugins, LongSubstitutions.class, Kind.Long, arch);
048        registerUnsafePlugins(invocationPlugins);
049        registerMathPlugins(invocationPlugins, foreignCalls);
050    }
052    private static void registerIntegerLongPlugins(InvocationPlugins plugins, Class<?> substituteDeclaringClass, Kind kind, AMD64 arch) {
053        Class<?> declaringClass = kind.toBoxedJavaClass();
054        Class<?> type = kind.toJavaClass();
055        Registration r = new Registration(plugins, declaringClass);
056        if (arch.getFlags().contains(AMD64.Flag.UseCountLeadingZerosInstruction)) {
057            r.register1("numberOfLeadingZeros", type, new InvocationPlugin() {
058                public boolean apply(GraphBuilderContext b, ResolvedJavaMethod targetMethod, Receiver receiver, ValueNode value) {
059                    ValueNode folded = AMD64CountLeadingZerosNode.tryFold(value);
060                    if (folded != null) {
061                        b.addPush(Kind.Int, folded);
062                    } else {
063                        b.addPush(Kind.Int, new AMD64CountLeadingZerosNode(value));
064                    }
065                    return true;
066                }
067            });
068        } else {
069            r.registerMethodSubstitution(substituteDeclaringClass, "numberOfLeadingZeros", type);
070        }
071        if (arch.getFlags().contains(AMD64.Flag.UseCountTrailingZerosInstruction)) {
072            r.register1("numberOfTrailingZeros", type, new InvocationPlugin() {
073                public boolean apply(GraphBuilderContext b, ResolvedJavaMethod targetMethod, Receiver receiver, ValueNode value) {
074                    ValueNode folded = AMD64CountTrailingZerosNode.tryFold(value);
075                    if (folded != null) {
076                        b.addPush(Kind.Int, folded);
077                    } else {
078                        b.addPush(Kind.Int, new AMD64CountTrailingZerosNode(value));
079                    }
080                    return true;
081                }
082            });
083        } else {
084            r.registerMethodSubstitution(substituteDeclaringClass, "numberOfTrailingZeros", type);
085        }
086    }
088    private static void registerMathPlugins(InvocationPlugins plugins, ForeignCallsProvider foreignCalls) {
089        Registration r = new Registration(plugins, Math.class);
090        r.register1("log", Double.TYPE, new InvocationPlugin() {
091            public boolean apply(GraphBuilderContext b, ResolvedJavaMethod targetMethod, Receiver receiver, ValueNode value) {
092                b.push(Kind.Double, b.recursiveAppend(AMD64MathIntrinsicNode.create(value, LOG)));
093                return true;
094            }
095        });
096        r.register1("log10", Double.TYPE, new InvocationPlugin() {
097            public boolean apply(GraphBuilderContext b, ResolvedJavaMethod targetMethod, Receiver receiver, ValueNode value) {
098                b.push(Kind.Double, b.recursiveAppend(AMD64MathIntrinsicNode.create(value, LOG10)));
099                return true;
100            }
101        });
102        r.registerMethodSubstitution(AMD64MathSubstitutions.class, "sin", double.class);
103        r.registerMethodSubstitution(AMD64MathSubstitutions.class, "cos", double.class);
104        r.registerMethodSubstitution(AMD64MathSubstitutions.class, "tan", double.class);
105        r.registerMethodSubstitution(AMD64MathSubstitutions.class, "pow", double.class, double.class);
106        r.register1("exp", Double.TYPE, new ForeignCallPlugin(foreignCalls, ARITHMETIC_EXP));
107    }
109    private static void registerUnsafePlugins(InvocationPlugins plugins) {
110        Registration r = new Registration(plugins, Unsafe.class);
112        for (Kind kind : new Kind[]{Kind.Int, Kind.Long, Kind.Object}) {
113            Class<?> javaClass = kind == Kind.Object ? Object.class : kind.toJavaClass();
115            r.register4("getAndSet" + kind.name(), Receiver.class, Object.class, long.class, javaClass, new InvocationPlugin() {
116                public boolean apply(GraphBuilderContext b, ResolvedJavaMethod targetMethod, Receiver unsafe, ValueNode object, ValueNode offset, ValueNode value) {
117                    // Emits a null-check for the otherwise unused receiver
118                    unsafe.get();
119                    b.addPush(kind, new AtomicReadAndWriteNode(object, offset, value, kind, LocationIdentity.any()));
120                    b.getGraph().markUnsafeAccess();
121                    return true;
122                }
123            });
124            if (kind != Kind.Object) {
125                r.register4("getAndAdd" + kind.name(), Receiver.class, Object.class, long.class, javaClass, new InvocationPlugin() {
126                    public boolean apply(GraphBuilderContext b, ResolvedJavaMethod targetMethod, Receiver unsafe, ValueNode object, ValueNode offset, ValueNode delta) {
127                        // Emits a null-check for the otherwise unused receiver
128                        unsafe.get();
129                        AddressNode address = b.add(new OffsetAddressNode(object, offset));
130                        b.addPush(kind, new AtomicReadAndAddNode(address, delta, LocationIdentity.any()));
131                        b.getGraph().markUnsafeAccess();
132                        return true;
133                    }
134                });
135            }
136        }
138        for (Kind kind : new Kind[]{Kind.Char, Kind.Short, Kind.Int, Kind.Long}) {
139            Class<?> javaClass = kind.toJavaClass();
140            r.registerOptional3("get" + kind.name() + "Unaligned", Receiver.class, Object.class, long.class, new UnsafeGetPlugin(kind, false));
141            r.registerOptional4("put" + kind.name() + "Unaligned", Receiver.class, Object.class, long.class, javaClass, new UnsafePutPlugin(kind, false));
142        }
143    }